By adding Merus® A2-modules in parallel, higher harmonic compensation capacity can be achieved without any technical limitations. This offers flexibility when more loads are added to an electrical system.
Merus® A2 is a scalable, versatile, and durable active harmonic filtering solution designed and manufactured in Finland using innovative Merus® Technology.
By adding Merus® A2-modules in parallel, higher harmonic compensation capacity can be achieved without any technical limitations. This offers flexibility when more loads are added to an electrical system.
Merus® A2 is one device capable of delivering multiple innovative solutions. Customizable functionality and several built-in operation modes make Merus® A2 an extremely versatile device.
Merus® A2 can operate in different demanding environments, even including harsh and heavy industrial ones without its performance and response time being negatively affected.
Merus® A2 senses the harmonic distortions created by non-linear loads in the network and provides an effective and real-time response to cancel them. Merus® A2 ensures guaranteed compliance with harmonic distortion limits specified in IEEE 519, G5/4, EN 50160, and other power quality standards and regulations. Merus® A2 can be installed to cancel harmonics of an individual large load or group of loads.
Merus® A2 provides dynamic reactive power compensation, which is used for power factor correction, voltage variation, and flicker mitigation. This improves electrical efficiency in the electrical system and achieves money savings.
Phase-to-phase connected equipment can burden only two of the three lines and create voltage unbalance between the phases. Merus® A2 offers dynamic load balancing that distributes the burdens more evenly between all three phases, which prevents overloading of the electrical system.
Merus® A2-Active Harmonic Filters operate similarly to noise-canceling headphones.
They measure the distorted current of the non-linear load and inject harmonic frequencies, but with an opposite phase angle. Canceling out harmonic currents reduces voltage harmonics and eliminates distortion at the point of common coupling.
They are connected in parallel with the loads to be compensated and measure the distorted current of the non-linear load then inject harmonic frequencies, but with an opposite phase angle. Canceling out harmonic currents reduces voltage harmonics and eliminates distortion at the point of common coupling. Only the fundamental frequency current component is left to be supplied from the power system.
We always strive to find new ways to help our clients achieve good power quality. In addition, we provide deep technological and engineering knowledge to provide the best customer experience possible. Good power quality is essential to minimize downtime and service and maximize production capability. Our expert engineers developed not one, but two smart calculators that help customers easily detect power quality issues.
Estimates the total harmonic current in any electrical system and calculates the need for active harmonic filtering to reach the desired compensation level.
Calculates the effect of load unbalance in your electrical system and estimates your need for active load balancing to reach the desired unbalance level.
Please contact one of our salespeople with questions and inquiries.
Head of Sales, Active Harmonic Filter
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Out of office until April 7th, 2025
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