Merus™ Webinar: Connect wind power to frequency response services to increase income
The traditional earning model for wind farms has been in use for a long time, but is that the only way? Are there other ways...
The traditional earning model for wind farms has been in use for a long time, but is that the only way? Are there other ways...
Perinteinen ansaintamalli vesivoimaloilla on ollut pitkään käytössä, mutta onko se ainut tapa? Millä muulla tavalla vesivoima voi hyötyä sähkömarkkinasta? Jos haluat kuulla ja oppia lisää...
The traditional earning model for hydropower has been in use for a long time, but is that the only way? Are there other ways to...
Rahoitus on tarkoitettu Suomessa toimiville pk-yrityksille, joiden liiketoiminta kärsii koronavirustilanteesta. Rahoituksen avulla yritys voi kehittää uusia tuotteita tai toimintatapoja, apu ei korvaa menetetystä myynnistä aiheutuneita...
We would like to congratulate our R&D Director, Jyri Öörni, who was one of three nominees for a CTO of the year 2020. The award...
The electricity market operators plan their consumption and production in advance but in reality, there is a deviation within each hour. Balancing market ensures that...
Coronavirus causes exceptional action around the world. We would like to inform that despite the virus, Merus Power is operating normally. We want to act...
Merus Power and St Tekno organized an energy storage and power quality seminar in Turkey. There were lot of people from various application and fields...
Tervetuloa vieraaksemme Jyväskylän Sähkö Valo Tele AV 2020 -messuille. Meidät löytää Hallista A, osasto 309 Rekisteröidy vieraaksemme koodilla: NAKLIM Tervetuloa osastollemme tutustumaan tehokkaisiin ja kotimaisiin...
Merus Power’s research team published an IEEE paper on superposed control strategies of an energy storage system (ESS). The paper was presented in EEEIC –...
Lehdistötiedote 9.5.2019 Merus Power toimittaa TuuliWatin Iin Viinamäen tuulipuiston yhteyteen pohjoismaiden suurimman sähkövaraston, joka on teholtaan kuusi megawattia. Sekä TuuliWatin tuulipuisto- että sen sähkövarastoinvestointi toteutetaan...
Press release 9.5.2019 Merus Power delivers the largest energy storage solution in the Nordic countries with the capacity of 6 MW to TuuliWatti’s windfarm, located...