Power quality and productivity improvement with Merus™ SVC
Common power quality issues in steel plants Steel plants deal with energy intensive processes on a daily, such as steel and aluminum smelting. Smelting is...
Common power quality issues in steel plants Steel plants deal with energy intensive processes on a daily, such as steel and aluminum smelting. Smelting is...
Here at Merus Power, we assist our customers to increase revenue and achieve significant energy savings whilst boosting productivity, ensuring process reliability and enabling grid...
Power quality and energy efficiency are key areas at printing facilities. Through the implementation of power quality improvement solutions, it is possible to gain substation...
La integración de los acumuladores de energía (Energy Storage System) a la microred ayuda en alcanzar la potencial máxima de la generación fotovoltaica, garantiza la...
The integration of battery energy storages to microgrid helps achieve the full potential of photovoltaic (PV) systems, ensures microgrid power quality while saving diesel fuel...
The integration of battery energy storages to microgrid helps to achieve the full potential of photovoltaic (PV) systems and ensures microgrid power quality while saving...
Perinteinen ansaintamalli tuulivoimaloille on ollut pitkään käytössä, mutta onko se ainut tapa? Millä muulla tavalla tuulivoima voi hyötyä sähkömarkkinasta? Jos haluat kuulla ja oppia lisää,...
The traditional earning model for wind farms has been in use for a long time, but is that the only way? Are there other ways...
Perinteinen ansaintamalli vesivoimaloilla on ollut pitkään käytössä, mutta onko se ainut tapa? Millä muulla tavalla vesivoima voi hyötyä sähkömarkkinasta? Jos haluat kuulla ja oppia lisää...
The traditional earning model for hydropower has been in use for a long time, but is that the only way? Are there other ways to...
Rahoitus on tarkoitettu Suomessa toimiville pk-yrityksille, joiden liiketoiminta kärsii koronavirustilanteesta. Rahoituksen avulla yritys voi kehittää uusia tuotteita tai toimintatapoja, apu ei korvaa menetetystä myynnistä aiheutuneita...
We would like to congratulate our R&D Director, Jyri Öörni, who was one of three nominees for a CTO of the year 2020. The award...