Merus Power is nominated to compete in a global cleantech competition
Global Cleantech Cluster Association Announces Over 160 Nominees for Later Stage Awards 2013
Best in Class will be awarded to 10 winners for Corporate Cleantech Venture Day November 20, 2013 in Lahti, Finland
The 49 member clusters of the Global Cleantech Cluster Association (GCCA) have nominated over 160 cleantech companies for the 2013 Later Stage Awards. The nominated mid- to late-stage companies come from a variety of cleantech industries, including everything from solar, wind and clean web to lighting/energy efficiency, waste, and water. Each nominee was selected due to their impact on their sector and geographic region. The winners will be announced at the Corporate Cleantech Venture Day in Lahti, Finland on November 20th, 2013.
“What differentiates the annual Later Stage Awards is the platform they provide for new technologies to grow,” noted Shawn Lesser, the co-founder of Watershed Capital Group and the GCCA. “Through these awards we can help support innovators in the cleantech industry, who are developing their local green economies, by putting them in front of a global audience.”
In the upcoming months, the nominees will be evaluated based on their merits in technological innovation and business acumen. Head Judge Peter Adriaens (Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy at the University of Michigan and Director for Asian Operations at LimnoTech and Director of CleanTech Acquisition Partners) will use the Keystone Compact Method to screen the nominees and narrow them down to the top 3 in each category.
The Top 30 will then be evaluated by over 30 venture capital and cleantech judges who select the winners for the Later Stage Award. With more than $3.5 billion invested in clean technology, the GCCA Judges are devoted to later stage companies who have a proven track record in their home market and have the potential for international growth. They include Generation’s Climate Solutions Fund, The Rockefeller Foundation, Dow Venture Capital, BASF Venture Capitaland more.
“Our 47 global cluster members represent over 10,000 cleantech companies around the world,” said Ben Taube, Chair of the GCCA. “With the award we are excited to highlight the Best in Class and help aid in the development of successful measures for various cleantech cluster-based activities.”
The Best in Class winners will be announced at the Corporate Cleantech Venture Day on November 20th at Sibelius Hall in Lahti, Finland. This event aims to act as a meeting place for cleantech companies looking for investors and corporate partnerships.