Merus® A2 – Active Harmonic Filter
Merus® A2 is a scalable, versatile, and durable active harmonic filtering solution designed and manufactured in Finland using innovative Merus® technology.
The need for reliable power grids has soared as the use of automation and sensitive electrical equipment has increased in modern power electronics. However, the gaining popularity of wind and solar power, as well as heavily loaded transmission and distribution lines, prompt utilities to look for new ways to augment their networks in order to secure reliability. The building of new transmission and distribution networks requires huge investments and may not be a feasible option. Typically, the distance between power generation and power consumption may be hundreds of kilometers. Without dynamic reactive power compensation systems, voltage variations may arise and, eventually, affect the transmission and distribution capacity of supply grids. Auto-reclosing operations, which constantly test the reliability of distribution networks, may result in short-term power outages.
Merus® A2 is a scalable, versatile, and durable active harmonic filtering solution designed and manufactured in Finland using innovative Merus® technology.
Merus® STATCOM is a modular and modern Static Synchronous Compensator for demanding applications and heavy industrial loads.
Merus® SVC is a cost-effective Static Var Compensator solution with fast reactive power compensation for higher-power-class applications.