Merus® A2 – Active Harmonic Filter
Merus® A2 is a scalable, versatile, and durable active harmonic filtering solution designed and manufactured in Finland using innovative Merus® technology.
In the Royal Victoria Hospital, loads were fed through two transformers with two separate busbars. In the imaging department, each busbar was feeding a number of MRI and imaging machines. The operation of these machines was creating major harmonic distortions. Both current and voltage harmonic distortions exceeded the prescribed limits. The synchronization of mains and standby generators and the burning of expensive electronic cards were challenging because of poor power quality.
The presence of harmonic distortions is a substantial threat to the stability of electrical systems. The mission-critical applications of hospitals require high availability and reliability, which was at risk in the presence of excessive harmonic distortions and distorted waveform.
Mission-critical applications require unfailing solutions to maximize the reliability and availability of electrical systems in hospitals to avoid any threat to human lives.
Merus Power’s factory-tested solutions meet the highest quality standards and provide excellent performance to guarantee the key requirements of reliability and availability. In this case, Merus® A-series Active Harmonic Filters were installed parallel to the loads. Merus® Active Harmonic Filters are configurable according to the customer’s specific requirements. Thanks to the modern touchscreen human-machine interface (HMI), the configuration is simple and just a few clicks away.
The fast response time of Merus® Active Harmonic Filters guarantee the availability and reliability of mission-critical operations in the Royal Victoria Hospital. Merus® Active Harmonic Filters have effectively mitigated excessive current and voltage harmonic distortions restoring the pure sinusoidal waveform.
The customer is now fully compliant with the G5/4 power quality standard. The synchronization of mains and standby generators was smooth without any further challenges. Reputation risk from unexpected equipment failure, loss of data, or nuisance tripping was significantly minimized.
Commercial building — Hospital with MRI machines and other medical equipment
Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Merus® A2 is a scalable, versatile, and durable active harmonic filtering solution designed and manufactured in Finland using innovative Merus® technology.
Please contact one of our salespeople with questions and inquiries.
Head of Sales, Active Harmonic Filter
Regions & Channels
Sales Manager, Active Harmonic Filter, Key Accounts & OEMs
Out of office until April 7th, 2025
Sales Manager, Active Harmonic Filter
Baltics & Eastern and Southern Europe
Senior Sales Manager,
DACH, Benelux, France, APAC
Regional Sales Manager,
Middle East