Merus Power delivers power quality systems to 207MW windfarm in Brazil
Merus Power Oy delivers power quality systems to Mangueira wind farm in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. The second largest windfarm in Brazil – in total 207 MW – consists of 69 three megawatt turbines. With Merus Power active filters the owner Atlantica guarantees that the wind farm will fulfill the grid code compliance and power quality requirements of authorities at the connection point of the wind farm to the transmission and distribution grid.
Merus Power will deliver active filtering systems to three 12kV wind farm substations to filter out harmful harmonic disturbances generated by turbines before feeding the electricity into the Transmission and Distribution network. The customer of Merus Power, WEG, is system integrator that is a large stock listed Brazilian company.
Merus Power was selected as a supplier from international competition, because the company was able to provide a solution using its standard products. Pre-engineered solution combined quality, competitive price and fast delivery that convinced the customer to select Merus Power. Systems will be taken into operation in three phases at the end of the year 2016 and January 2017.
Brazilian contract not only opens a new market area for Merus Power, but also so far the biggest renewable energy sector contract. The company finds substantial growth potential in solutions that improve power quality when renewable energy such as wind or solar is connected to the power grid. Significant growth opportunities are also seen in power quality and energy storage technologies that improve grid resilience and enable more renewable energy to be connected.
More information: Kari Tuomala, Managing Director, Merus Power Dynamics Oy, mob. 040 541 1256, firstname.lastname (at) meruspower.fi
Merus Power is fast growing cleantech company, whose product portfolio active filters, STATCOMS, SVC’s and UPQ energy storage solutions improve power quality, save energy, increase productivity and enable grid connection of renewable energy according to authority requirements and grid code.